Mia Palantzas

Account Manager

Mia applies her passion for writing, research and creative thinking to develop effective materials and ideas for various clients in an array of industries. Mia supports the K&P team across various sectors and topics, including HR and work trends, finance and capital markets as well as insurance and health. 

Prior to joining K&P, Mia graduated from the Humber College Public Relations postgraduate program where she was awarded the Dean’s List for the Faculty of Media and Creative Arts. During her time at Humber College, she gained insightful and valuable knowledge in developing strategic communication plans, effective research methods and media relation strategies. 

Her previous work experience is rooted in influencer relations and B2C communications with additional transferable skills of working in fast-paced environments and developing in interpersonal communications through many years in the hospitality industry. Mia is driven through curiosity to further her learnings and is always eager to take on new tasks to develop her skills both independently and collaboratively. 

Mia holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies with a concentration in Media and Communication History and a minor in Women and Gender Studies from Wilfrid Laurier University. Throughout her years at Laurier, she was able to master her time management and leadership skills in balancing life as a student, varsity athlete and part-time server.  

Work superpower: “Being enthusiastic and eager to learn.” 

Non-work superpower: “Making a gourmet meal out of leftovers.”