K&Pets: Recognizing Our Favourite Furry Friends

August 26, 2022

Ninsen Lo

Today, we would like to take a moment to pay a tribute to our furry friends on International Cat Day (August 8) and International Dog Day (August 26). There is no doubt that we all love our fur buddies, but they have really gone above and beyond not only as pals who provide unconditional love, but also the emotional support when their pet parents need it most.

We asked our crew for some interesting tidbits of their furry pals on this journey of pet love. First, let’s begin with our team’s canine friends.


Owned by our very own, Emma, ​​here’s what she had to say about her fur pal.

Q: What’s a funny work-from-home story you have about your pet? Weird things they do, cute things they do etc.

A: I get my steps in every day simply by getting up to let him on and off the balcony 100 times a day.

Q: What are ways in which your pet continues to surprise you?

A: I love that my pet can always match my energy. If I am down, he is down. And if I am excited, he is excited.


Olivia (aka, Ollie)

Undoubtedly, the pride and joy of her dog mom, Stef, here’s what she had to say about this French Bulldog’s attributes.

Q: What do you appreciate most about your pet?

A: How incredibly affectionate and friendly she is to everyone!

Q: What’s a funny work-from-home story you have about your pet?

A: Snoring during my meetings. I’m always scared clients or colleagues will hear her. Also wanting to sit on my lap while I work!


We briefly sat down with Hayley to see what she had to say about Maja. Here’s what she shared with us.

Q: What’s a funny work-from-home story you have about your pet?

A: Digs a hole to bury her chew toy just to dig it back out five minutes later.

Q: If you were your pet, what would you be thinking at this time?

To: “I have a good life”



This content, yet pensive English Bulldog, is sure having the time of his life basking in the sunshine. Here’s what his pet mom, Jen, had to say about him.

Q: What do you appreciate most about your pet?

A: His ability to always provide unintentional comedic relief.

Q: What’s a funny work-from-home story you have about your pet?

A: I have a desk where I usually work from when I’m at home. Sometimes I’ll decide to work from my kitchen island, and Gerald HATES it. If I’m at the island, I’m too high up and he gets frustrated that he can’t reach me for cuddles. It’s quite funny because he’s very vocal about it.



This delightful pooch, whose owner, our newest team member, Carrie, is sure having a lovely time as part of our canine lineup here at K&P.

Q: What’s a funny work-from-home story you have about your pet?

A: He likes to jump on me during video calls which was cute when he was small but now, he weighs 100 lbs.

Q: If you were your pet, what would you be thinking at this time?

A: When is my next meal?

And there you have it. Those were just some of the amazing pooches that make up the canine team here at K&P. Now, it’s time to introduce our lineup of cats.



We stopped to check in with his feline mom, Janine, to see what she had to say about her fur baby.

Q: What do you appreciate most about your pet?

A: He’s relatively low-maintenance, and he loves my boys.

Q: What’s a funny work-from-home story you have about your pet?

A: My cat generally doesn’t give me the time of day, but the ONLY time he gets into our bed is when one of us is sick. He somehow can tell. It’s eerie.



All curled up on the terrace of his family’s home in the Ottawa-Gatineau region, his cat mom, Janessa, stopped to share a few words about her feline son.

Q: What do you appreciate most about your pet?

A: That he traveled all the way from South Korea to join our family.

Q: What’s a funny work-from-home story you have about your pet?

A: Clyde enjoys making an appearance on every Zoom or Teams call.


Mushu (AKA, Mooshy, Moosh-Moosh).

This stunning, yet shy feline, is the pride and joy of her cat mom, Lauren. We took a moment to hear what she had to say about her furry friend.  

Q: What do you appreciate most about your pet?

A: Aside from his stunning green eyes and adorable tongue that’s always sticking out, I appreciate how much Mushu has taught my family about patience. Before we adopted Mushu, he was a stray that had been visiting us (and our dearly missed cat Mandy) for about a year. It’s taken a lot of hard work to make him feel at home, and while there’s still work to be done, we’re not giving up on him!

Q: If you were your pet, what would you be thinking at this time?

A: “Why are they trying to touch me all the time? Are they not frightened by my ferocious hissing? Will they ever let me back outside.”   



Undoubtedly the pride and joy of her cat mom, Maggie, Clementine sure loves her going about her antics in the Hall household. Here’s what Maggie had to say about her fur baby.

Q: What do you appreciate most about your pet?

A: She makes my house feel like a home ????.

Q: What are ways in which your pet continues to surprise you?

A: Clemmie is an older rescue cat and had a really hard life prior to being adopted by my partner and I. She constantly surprises me in her ability to be curious and friendly with strangers even though she’s been treated poorly by people in the past. We still see the skittish, scared parts of her sometimes when she’s uncomfortable, but she is a very sweet, brave little cat who just wants affection.



Loved and cherished by his proud feline papa, our very own, Quinton, Timmy is undoubtedly the apple of his family’s eye. Here are some heartfelt words his dad took a few moments to share with us.

Q: What do you appreciate most about your pet?

A: So many reasons to appreciate his beautiful soul, but If I had to choose it would be that he always needs to be near or beside me.

Q: What’s a funny work-from-home story you have about your pet? Weird things they do, cute things they do etc.

A: Timmy is a complete teddy bear, always purring, affectionate and patient. He always sits beside the bed when I wake up and follows me everywhere afterwards. We have conversations all the time, especially when he’s hungry. Timmy is very social when I have company and everyone who meets him becomes a fan within minutes. He is one of a kind, truly. 

Aside from solely our canine and feline homes, we also cannot forget our K&P households where cats and dogs cohabit under the same roof. Let us introduce you to a few.

Bennie, Molly, Teddy, Simba and Remy

The pets of Fergusson manor certainly do cause quite a stir. Owned by our very own Joyce, each day is always unpredictable from the next. Here are some things she had to say about her furry bunch.

Q: What do you appreciate most about your pet? 

A: Their love and constant source of entertainment.

Q: What’s a funny work from home story you have about your pet? 

A: Whenever I get up from my office chair, Molly takes over – as if she plans on replying to an email!


Kobe and Kali

Kobe, the Spearing’s canine, and Kali, their fellow feline, are lovingly owned and cared for by our own Amanda and her family.

Q: What do you appreciate most about your pet?

A: I love the love and affection they both show me. If I’m lying on the couch at night watching TV, both love snuggling with me. It’s also surprising because Kali is not an affectionate animal, but that all changes when I’m on the couch watching tv.

Q: What are ways in which your pet continues to surprise you?

A: The role reversal. My dog ​​is not very aggressive and all he wants are belly rubs and affection. My cat growls at people that she doesn’t recognize or feels threatened. If there were ever a burglar, they would have to worry about the cat attacking them and not so much the dog.


Tess (aka Doug, Doogie, or Doge), Baxter (aka Binky) and Benny

Tess (aka, Doug, Doogie, or Doge), Baxter (aka., Binky) and Benny, being the apple of Maxine’s eyes, sure make for priceless, quality entertainment every day for the Bullock family. Here’s what Maxine shared by the water cooler.

Q: What do you appreciate most about your pet?

A: Despite living lakeside, Tess does not like to swim. In fact, she doesn’t even like getting her paws wet, in a puddle or otherwise. Not having to deal with a wet, stinky and sandy dog ​​is a bonus.

Q: What are ways in which your pet continues to surprise you?

A: Baxter is scrappy and used to regularly get in cat fights, but he is learning. He recently made a new friend, a neighbour’s cat, named Gravy.

There you have it my friends. The latest K&P tribute to our furry pals for both International Cat and Dog Days, respectively. It’s been fun learning about the pets behind the people at K&P who help keep the ground running, even if we don’t see their presence here at the office. May all you canines and felines continue to surprise your pet parents as each day goes on. To end it off, in the words of Dot Warner, “wanna meet my pet”?




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