While the end-of-year season always holds a certain amount of nostalgia, making it feel like time is standing still (everything is a blur this week, right?) – at K&P/K&A, we’re looking forward to 2024 and all the fun projects this new chapter will bring.
Our agency ended our fiscal year on a high with many reasons to celebrate. Here is a snapshot of what we’re celebrating in our Montreal office as we wrap up 2023, and what we’re excited about going into 2024:
National collaboration, local success
We ended the year busy with rewarding francophone mandates across all of our national practice groups. From social media copy to economic analysis of the Québec market, financial announcements commentaries, influencer relations, trade and consumer media outreach, wrapping up 2023 has been anything but boring!
One outstanding project that made us especially proud was the ADP Canada Happiness@Work Index. This project measures workers’ sentiments around happiness and satisfaction in the workplace, through several primary and secondary indicators that have been generating growing interest among key audiences.
This peaked interest could be because Quebecers stole the show as the happiest region (who would have doubted it?). Or, it can also attest to our team’s skills at mining compelling data points to tell local stories.
This reflects the findings of our latest survey on consumption, trust and credibility in Canadian media sources. It revealed that four-in-ten (41%) Quebecers say they consider the inclusion of comments from local experts a factor in making them more likely to trust the validity of a news story. Quebecer workers were also more likely than other regions (52%) to indicate that news stories signed by well-known reporters is a factor of trust.
Cheers, team!
As we close the year, we also wanted to recognize our Montreal team’s new additions and recent career growth. We had the pleasure of welcoming Antonia Moga, as our newest account coordinator. Antonia brings a keen eye for financial and economic francophone PR content. Additionally, we wanted to celebrate Manal Belcadi, who was promoted to senior account coordinator and helps oversee our Québec influencer mandates.
As we enjoy the last few days of 2023 with 2024 on the horizon, we’ll be back with more exciting news and announcements (yes, this is a teaser). Stay tuned!